In the meantime there has been quite a bit of movement in and out of the field, be it of vision, of consciousness, of consideration... it has become somewhat fuzzy if not entirely illogical. Activities have been fragmented into various facets again, so it is not so simple to put a handle on it: the ‘recherches (e)aux submersibles’ have been continued occasionally, but have lagged behind somewhat. (the intention to have the first research-brochure / cahier (Rear View Review – Paris Bleu Une) - out by now has not happened... we hope to have it on line soon.)
The nomadic tendency has been curbed by the move to more permanent premises, and the investigations have been sidelined by various other activities... but we have managed to get the on-line version of “La jeune Avrill Due” out, albeit late, and it’s available via the wwaow.com website. (check gruzemayer) The Finnish counter-piece has also run into arrears ( due to the early organization of Perf! At Telakka/Tampere I presume) and we are expecting it soon. More archive material is piled up in the new ‘offices’ awaiting some sort of organizing, so that will probably be the main activity for quite a while to come...